Hey you!
I loved getting your letters! I'm glad that everyone is doing well.
Thanks for the package! I loved it and so did all my district (be proud,
I've finally learned to share haha) Yeah, if you wouldn't minding
sending off everything that you can to the mission office. I'm bummed I
didn't get the letter before or I would have
had it all done by now. (P.S. I love my towels - they are light weight
and dry super fast. Best idea ever) If I need to get more pictures
taken, I can do that here so that I can mail it off ASAP. Hopefully,
this won't mess with my visa stuff.
This week went really well, we've taught so many lessons this week with
our new investigators and our German is coming along swimmingly haha.
In other words, I can generally get my message across. Now I just really
need to work on my grammar. Yay for additional
study time! (It's the time where you can study basically anything you
need.) Thanks for doing the blog stuff - I've heard from everyone that
it's a big hit!
So here's the great thing about being in an MTC branch, there
is an assigned topic for that Sunday for the Sacrament talks. Everyone
has time to prepare a talk auf Deutsch on Saturday night and then after
partaking the Sacrament, the Branch Presidency member conducting
announces which two missionaries will be speaking. Like five of the
Elders in my zone leaned over right before Sacrament meeting and all
told me that I would be speaking. Wham bam - it was my turn.
Luckily, I'm ridiculously good at German and was able
to speak it super well (insert hysterical laughter). I got so nervous
that I just straight up read my talk in German. At least I bore my
testimony auf Deutsch without too much trouble haha Oh well! Baby steps
:D Girl!
So here's a funny story, here at the MTC they have huge containers of
cereal. Similar to those at hotels, in that we turn the nob for the
cereal to come out. So our Zone (all going to Deutschland) decided that
one morning we would try to eat all the Coco Roos
and completely empty a container before the MTC workers refilled it).
The morning came and grand total 67 bowls of Coco Roos were consumed.
(Our branch is about 30 people) with Elder Morey eating 11 bowls. (He's
18... what do we expect ;)). Elder Milsoe
(Danish Elder headed to Alpine) picked up the ginormous container,
lifted it above his head and yelled, "FREEDOM!". It was absolutely
hilarious. We all cheer and all the Elders began singing the forbidden
first verse of the German national anthem. (Deutschland,
Deutschland uber uber alles) Germany over all - it was during Hitler's
reign and it's a huge no-no but everyone sings it anyways. It was
hilarious and so random. The joys of the MTC!
Anyways, I love you and I hope all continues to go will. LOVE YOU!
Note for Schwester Harman's mom: Krissie's letter from her mission president never arrived and finally made its way back to the mission home so we are trying to get all the stuff done we were supposed to do months ago. But the Lord takes care of His missionaries and their families. I had a copy of everything we need to send on the computer. Very blessed we are! The towels she is talking about are the microfiber towels, we found them at Deseret Book and they are so small! I hope you are enjoying the blog! If you happen to hear a great story from Krissie that is not posted on the blog, email it to me (babescola@msn.com) and I will post it.
Thank you!!
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