Monday, November 18, 2013

A trip to the doctor, exchanges, zone training and resting when I can!


So to answer the many questions about my head.  1. I'm not dying or coming home or anything  like that. 2.  It's a minor concussion, so with pain medicine and some rest; I should be fit as a fiddle in a week or two :)  3. I really love you all for your concern!  (Thank you for your prayers and concern!  She is feeling better and a big thank you to her wonderful companion, Sister Clark.)

This week has been incredible as always. We had an exchange with Sister Kervinen and Sister Regnier.  They serve in Graz, a medium sized town about 2 and a half hours South of Wien.  I had the opportunity to go to Graz to work with Sister Kervinen. It was great!! She's from Finland and is incredibly hilarious.  I love hearing her great stories and her German is beautiful.  Since Graz is so far away, we usually meet in a really small town (Murzzuschlag, say that one three times fast :D) in the middle and then switch companions there.  Anyways, as soon as Sis. Kervinen and I got to Graz, we threw on some work clothes and did service! Can I just tell you how wonderful it was to wear pants?  It was really really nice haha We were cleaning out this man's apartment.  He has recently had a terrible fire and so we had to pretty much take out the entire room so that construction people could put everything new in again.  When we first got there, he was in tears looking at the remnants of his apartment, and by the end of our visit, he was singing! It's so incredible to watch hope literally grow within someone else! Also, helping out with the service project were the Graz Elders: Christensen and Byers! It was cool to see Elder Christensen as a missionary!  (Elder Christensen is a friend from when we lived in Burley, ID)

We had our Zone Training meeting on Wednesday and it was great to get to know all the missionaries in our zone a bit better. Sister Clark and I taught about hope, and family mission plans! We were able to talk about the difference between hope and despair and how we can be more hopeful in our missionary work.  Sister Clark and I were a little worried that it wasn't going to be a smooth transition because we hadn't been with each other for two days but, we just opened our mouths and the Lord did the rest!   It's so interesting! Remember how absolutely terrified I was to get up and talk in front of people?  Now it's like nothing! I LOVE IT.  (I love not getting nervous.. still not super in love with talking in front of everyone buuuut, baby steps!)

We had two baptism this weekend in Wien and they were so great! We had lots of their non-member friends come and it was a great introduction to the church!  There is always a really special feeling that accompanies a baptismal service! This Thursday we have transfer calls!  It'll be interesting to see what happens.  Everyone tells me that I'll be headed to Germany but we'll see! I have been here for four transfers so anything could happen! haha 

Friday! On Friday, we have ZONE CONFERENCE! I'm sooo very excited to see what President and Sister Miles and the Assistants have planned for us.  Should be really really good! :) Other than that, I'm just looking forward to a week full of appointments and resting my head when we have time :)

Love you all!
Sister Harman


  1. So happy she is feeling better! Everyone thinks my Elder will get transferred too! Can't wait to see what happens!

  2. It will be interesting to see what happens next week. Krissie has LOVED her time in Vienna!
