So it's März! That's pretty cool ;) This week was splendid! Full of miracles, finding, teaching, and lots and lots of eating. We actually weren't able to go to the Art Museum this past week - but, we went with our Bishop and the Elders to the Rittersport Chocolate Factory instead! It was AWESOME! I love chocolate and I love seeing where it is made. This really nice Turkish man came and fixed our bathroom sealent thing! He is a kind gentleman with 3 children, just around my age, and said he'd love to come to our English class sometime!
So our less-actives are doing well! As I said, we've been meeting with the Grimes family every Friday night. Jessica, one of the daughters, came to our English class on Wednesday and it went really well! She understands so much English, but is a little shy to speak it. S. Grimes, Alisa, and Jonas also came but, they stayed outside and talked to Bischof Kern and S. Kern who were both at the church as well. It was the first time S. Grimes had been in our church building in a really long time. Fast forward to Friday, as per usual, we had our appointment with the Grimes family. To start, the girls talked about how much they enjoy their Book of Mormon readying and how excited they were to come to a normal Sacrament service! (They had come with us to Stake Conference last week) . As we taught the kids about the Plan of Salvation and the Atonement, you could just see the wheels turning in S. Grimes' mind. She ended up closing the lesson with some of the sweetest, most heartfelt testimony I have ever heard! The kids just all quieted down and the Spirit just brought this wonderful peace into the room. It was so wonderful to see the family really come all together to make progress in coming to Christ. Families are the most clever invention (Heavenly Father gets some style points for this one!). We're put in a unit, in which we can learn, grow, thrive, and support each other. It made me really wonder... do I treat my family as the miracle it is? Not bad, but, I can always do better! So I decided, I'm going to be a little better. Might be a little bit easier, thousands of miles away but, either way! I'm going to start now haha Soooo go thank your family! They do so much for you! (Cough... thanks guys! You're really great!! :D)
To sum up this week... I love Ludwigsburg. I love our investigators, less actives, members, random people that I get to talk to. I love German. I really love this gospel. The chance to share, what makes me who I am, is an incredible, life-changing opportunity that is literally priceless! And, of course, I love you all!
Thanks for all the support you and the family give me. I really do love my time here and I'm doing my very best to do all that He would have me do. It's funny, the more I study consecration - the more I want to give to him. It's a really interesting topic and helps me see that it's only by giving Him everything - that I have anything. I don't know if that makes sense but, it's a topic I'm working on :)
Thanks for your love and emails and letters and prayers! Alles!
Love you!
Sister Harman
Miracles and food... Doesn't get much better than that!