Monday, May 5, 2014


Liebe Familie!

So surprise, surprise! I'm getting the boot. Headed out to.... (drumroll please!) Linz, Austria!   I'll be working with Sister Pentz! She was born in Switzerland but, she's also from Colorado. She just finished up her first transfer. (5 blessed weeks out here in the field!) I'm becoming the Step-Mother! (I get to finish up training her) I've not met Sister Pentz yet, but, she's sure to be wonderful! 

Munich and Sttugart Zones

This past week was INSANE. We had mission tour, a finding day in Munich, amazing lessons, transfer calls, a baptism, and saying so many goodbyes (see you later's) to the amazing people here in Ludwigsburg. I haven't cried so much in... ever haha But, it was good!

Mission Tour with Elder Dyches was absolutely incredible. He served his mission here in Germany in what was then, the Munch Mission and ah! I loooved hearing his stories!  He taught us alot about what it means to be happy. And it just hit me again.. everyday we make a decision to be happy or sad. To smile or to frown. To give a compliment or say nothing. I want to always be the kind of person, who is a positive influence. Mom - this should sound familiar. When I was in 8th grade, I was going through a rough time. I had just dislocated my hip and was in lots of pain alll the time. Instead of dealing with it quietly, I grumbled, complained and was not a fun person to be around. My wonderful Mother, being the incredible woman she is, sat me down and gave me a loving, but stern talk on being positive.  At the end of our talk, she laughingly told me that 'It's in your blood! B+! Do you get it?!' I couldn't stop laughing and I've never forgotten the lesson (or my blood type!) haha We decide! We have control over  ourselves and have the opportunity to learn to manage ourselves a liiittle bit better everyday! 

Also, This Sunday is Mother's Day!  I want to do a shoutout to my Mom.  You are GLORIOUS. Seriously, I have absolutely no idea what I would have done without your helping influence in my life and I'm still so grateful to know that you are ALWAYS there for me! In a lesson this week with the Grimes family, we all got down on our knees and asked Schwester Grimes to say a prayer. A prayer asking God if baptism is something her children needed in their lives.  Right after she asked the Lord this question in prayer, she followed with Can you please give us a small sign to know what to do. RIGHT THEN, the phone rang and everyone looked up - shock and wonder on their faces. 'In  die Name Jesu Christi Amen!' S. Grimes said it so fast and we all just sat there looking around like.. did that just really happen?! Sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways and sometimes, He's very blunt and clear. haha They came to the Baptism of Nele Hoffmann on Saturday and will set baptismal dates at the Sisters' appointment on Friday! I talked to the girls after the baptism, and they both just had tears in their eyes. They said they had receive their answer from God and knew now what they needed to do! And it all started by a Mother's Prayer. 

Basically, missions are the best. The happiest, most wonderful moments in the world, and also some of the saddest. Having to say goodbye to my German family here in Ludwigsburg was really really hard but, I know that the Lord knows what is needed of me and what these people need. They need a different Sister right now. Linz needs this crazy Sister right here! So that's what we'll be doing! Going where we need to be going, doing what we need to be doing.

I love you all and am excited to Skype you on Sunday!

Sister Harman

P.S. Mom.... you're the best!


  1. Her positive attitude in this letter is contagious! Love her sweet spirit!
