President Aura invited us to the funeral of his son. When I say us, I mean he invited all the missionaries from the entire stake to come and support. It was such an incredible meeting - literally the most optimistic funeral I have ever been to. The family taught that 'Familien sind EWIG!' that families are forever and that through this belief, they have a faith and hope that they will see their son, little brother, and friend. This family was a huge example to me of missionary work and true conversion. They invited us the missionaries to talk to all their friends and family that came and offer to them the peace that comes from the restored gospel.
In other news, I went on exchange this week toooooooo München 2! So still in München, only on the Southern side of town. I went and worked with a wonderful sister named Sister Ahlm. This is her first transfer in the field and she's just a fire cracker. I love love love working with goldens. They are just so excited and ready to learn! Sister Ahlm is a chill, snowboarder, loves good music, and hanging out with her friends and we had so much fun on this exchange. (Small funny - we greeted this guy in the subway and he stopped and said 'Do we know each other?' and then we struck up a conversation - he noticed Sister Ahlm's nametag and said AHA! That's why you said hello, you're trying to convert me. We calmed him down and had to head on our way, but, simple friendliness goes a long way, dear people!)
Funnier funny, after district meeting, everyone is getting up and ready to go and then Elder Evans called for us to sit down because he had forgotten to tell us something. I sat briefly on Sister Smith's lap and then scooted over to my chair. BUT, my skirt got caught on her bag and RIP! Yep, that's right. My favorite skirt ripped in front of 8 Elders. Joy to the world. Instantly, I just started laughing and assessed the damage. The looks of pity and the 'Don't worry, Sister Harman! I've got a a sewing kit!' assured me and I quickly repaired the problem :D (Luckily, it was only a top layer rip so nothing tooo embarrassing. Funny none the less!)
An excerpt from Sister Harman's letter to her dad, "I had the coolest experience this past week with a part member family we've been working with. I've developed a really good relationship with the father,and since this next week is my last Sunday. I just straight up invited him to church to come and support me and instead of getting upset, or defensive like he's done in the past -- he just got really serious and said he'd think about it.
When I first got here, he was a bit angry at the church. He grew up religious but, eventually stopped attending due to the hypocrisy of the members. He grew up in **** and when Communists had the rule - if one attended church, you'd get kicked out of school. But, the father's conviction was so strong that he would sneak into church every Sunday to hear the word. . After Communistic rule ended, everyone else came back to church and were praised and accepted. He was shocked and angry. These people had been persecuting the believers and now that it was okay to believe, they join back up? NO WAY. So he said that he was done with organized religion and scriptures and just would have a personal belief in God.
Fast forward to now, he allowed his wife to be baptized (a huuge step for him), he allows his children to come to church, and when his son (the 11 year old) didn't want to go to church yesterday. The father sat him down and told him that he NEEDED to go to church to learn to become a man. To learn to know God. When the son complained and said he would just stay home with him. His Dad said no. If you don't want to go to Mom's church, I'll take you to the church I grew up in. Either way .. you need to go to church. So the son came to church and the father came and picked them all up afterwards.
He has begun to read and pray with his wife every day!
Sister Harman
PS - Next week Sister Harman COMES HOME! :) :) :)
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