Cool Miracle story this week! (Weird font and color means that I just copied and pasted it from my letter to President Miles haha)
Sister Powell and I had just finished up a lesson with an investigator and were walking to the Bahnhof to take a train to our next appointment. A man walked up to us and asked us if we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He went on to explain how he had seen Sister Brinck and I all over Ludwigsburg always happy and talking with people. He had wanted to ask us what we were all about, but he never felt like interrupting. He read our name tags and googled the church. He read on and then he finally found us before we started talking with anyone else. He took a Book of Mormon, and came to church yesterday!
One member in the Stuttgart ward called us up this week to tell us that a friend of her's was moving to Ludwigsburg! She said she could use a little help with the move but, more than that could use some support as this friend had been going through a really hard time. We went over and were able to help her sort through her belongings, get things cleaned up and ready to be put into place. Ame was crying and super stressed at the beginning but, by the end was singing, laughing and feeling less overwhelmed. It seems kind of silly but, just scrubbing out someone's refridgerator or putting some clean clothes away in the closet, can mean so much to someone else and hey! As President Monson said at General Conference, we are here to brighten the world and if that means, I'm scrubbing out nasty things to do it! BRING IT ON! :)
Exciting news, next week will be Easter. So Easter is a huge deal here in Germany, aka Friday (Good Friday) and Monday (Easter Monday) everything will be closed! So you will all have to live an extra day without an email from your one and only Sister Harman! Sorry! (Blame Germany!)
To sum up this week, Sister Powell and I are happy, healthy, and loving the work. Finding and teaching more people than ever before annd those that we are teaching are making solid progress! Our ward members are as lovely and vibrant as ever and we'll be spending Easter Monday (P-Day) with the Stein and Köhler families! We're going on a hike! (Insert me jumping up and down with joy!)
I love you all! And wish you the happiest of Easters! Let's all remember why we celebrate!
(If you thought of candy and bunnies.... you should watch this video.
If you thought of Jesus Christ, you should still watch this video. It's incredible!)
Love you all!
Sister Harman
Love that she has been feeling well! What an exciting post! She has such a sweet spirit and testimony!