To answer your questions: Good, No, Great, Wonderful, Happy, nope (We'll see it Saturday), sounds like a perfect idea, not too bad, and YES!
Sister Harman
Editor's note: Yes this was the complete email I received Monday morning. Very funny, Sister Harman, very funny!
Luckily for me, she sent the following a little while later. :)
Liebe Familie,
Round 2! To start the email out with the big news, I'M STAYING! I was so nervous Friday night that I could hardly sleep. I wanted to stay here in Ludwigsburg more than anything but, everyone has been telling me that it was probably my time to go. Flash forward to the morning, Sister Powell and I are sitting, staring at the phone, wondering what would happen, when we decided that I had to stay. INSERT THE ZONE LEADERS CALLING. I started screaming, and jumping up and down and poor Elder Jerman couldn't understand a word I was saying. But, the message was clear. Ludwigsburg is stuck with Sister Harman and Sister Powell for another five weeks! :D
The Finding Day to end all finding days. It was a great success! We (all the missionaries in Freiburg Zone and in Stuttgart Zone (That's me!)) got together with the young people from all the congregations in the area. We had our flash mob (as described in last email). Sister Powell and I had several people come and ask about all the blue books, these great Stuttgartians were seeing. It was a simple way to explain, Oh. This is the Book of Mormon. It's a really great book! And so fort
h! After our fifteen minute reading session, we gathered together, sang some songs and went out to go find some people who would like to know more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was an interesting experience. The past couple of weeks, finding people has been really simple and I feel like everyone we talked to wanted to know more. But, in our two our time block, Sister Powell and I talked to alot of really great people who weren't really interested. Bummer! We had fifteen more minutes before the whole group would gather together and we had found no one! We'd given out Books of Mormon, balloons that say I'm a Child of God, cards, but, no one was interested in being taught more.
NEVER FEAR! Sister Powell and I were both a little shocked that we had had no success. We're experienced, happy and were ready to work but, nichts. So we looked at each other and said LET'S DO THIS THING. And then we started tking to some super great... you guessed it Americans! They are living here in Germany and working and had heard of the church before. They have a friend back in the States, who always set a really good example of how a Christian should live and they said, they would love to know more about such a church! All in all, 71 people found who would like to be taught in 2 hours. Not bad! :)
Lessons this week, we were able to have alot of lessons with members present this week and I feel like these lessons always go SO much better. The members are able to show these investigators, that the one can live the gospel without putting on a name tag, and they can really demonstrate how the gospel simply brings us happiness. I love it! (If you haven't been a joint teach in a while (or ever), try it out! You'll be happier, the investigators will be happier, and the missionaries will be really happy :)) Weiter, one of these lesson was with the Grimes family. The daughters are still praying about baptismal dates and they just aren't sure they've received an answer yet. One of our great young women and her Mother came with us and Ann Sophie just bore the sweetest testimony about receiving answers to prayers. The girls really were able to relate to her and it just gave them hope that Hey! An answer will come, sometimes we just have to change our expectations on what an answer will feel like, or even just wait a little longer.
h! After our fifteen minute reading session, we gathered together, sang some songs and went out to go find some people who would like to know more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was an interesting experience. The past couple of weeks, finding people has been really simple and I feel like everyone we talked to wanted to know more. But, in our two our time block, Sister Powell and I talked to alot of really great people who weren't really interested. Bummer! We had fifteen more minutes before the whole group would gather together and we had found no one! We'd given out Books of Mormon, balloons that say I'm a Child of God, cards, but, no one was interested in being taught more.
NEVER FEAR! Sister Powell and I were both a little shocked that we had had no success. We're experienced, happy and were ready to work but, nichts. So we looked at each other and said LET'S DO THIS THING. And then we started tking to some super great... you guessed it Americans! They are living here in Germany and working and had heard of the church before. They have a friend back in the States, who always set a really good example of how a Christian should live and they said, they would love to know more about such a church! All in all, 71 people found who would like to be taught in 2 hours. Not bad! :)
Basically, set a good example, speak from the heart, and just love everyone whether they are LDS, Catholic, Hindu, or Martians. We're all just people (minus the Martians) doing our best to choose the right.
Love you!
Sister Harman
P.S. I saw Sister Drury, Brinck and Woods! (It was great fun!)
P.P.S. Sister Powell and I went to Gummibärenland with the Dornhausens (Awesome member family!)
P.P.P.S. This week is General Conference. Watch it! It's going to be AMAZING!
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